September 5, 2017

K9 TuffRock Joint Formula and TuffRock K9GI
K9 TuffRock Joint Formula and TuffRock K9GI – Pet products of the month for healthy joints and stomachs
Dogs love nothing better than going to the park and chasing a ball around. If you’ve started to notice that your dog has lost some of its enthusiasm and energy, it may actually be that he or she is suffering from joint problems. These problems develop slowly, so at first you may notice that your dog is struggling to get back in the car or doesn’t want to play in the park for very long before flopping down to rest.
This happened to our roving reporter Shankly, a beautiful black Labrador who was getting on a bit in age. Shankly used to have boundless energy, but he started to develop joint problems at the age of seven. Joint problems are common in larger dogs, as well as overweight dogs, because there is more pressure on the joints. Some breeds are more likely than others to develop joint problems. Rottweilers, for example, are prone to knee and ankle joint pain, while Bernese Mountain dogs are susceptible to elbow dysplasia. As the problem gets worse, a dog can become completely lame. It’s a sad thing to see.
Fortunately, a remedy is available that doesn’t involve surgery. TuffRock has an all natural product called K9JF (Joint Formula) that promotes healthy joints and gives dogs back their ability to run and play. It’s a powder that you sprinkle onto their food made from volcanic collagen minerals and botanic vitamins, anti-oxidants and essential omegas. They top this off with plant-based natural phyto-nutrients that help metabolise fat while reproducing enzymes, ideal for the older generation that need a bit of weight loss and extra energy! K9JF contains a tonne of vitamins, such as Vitamins A, B, and E, with calcium stabilised wheat bran plus natural toxin binders to help protect more sensitive stomachs. A really well built all round product that is sensibly priced costing only $8 to $15 / month from small to large dog size.
The joint formula comes in three handy sizes, small, medium, and large. As it doesn’t have a flavour, dogs will happily consume it without even realising it! TuffRock Joint Formula works by decreasing joint inflammation, which removes the pain your dog is experiencing.
Shankly started to regain his freedom of movement very quickly after taking K9 TuffRock Joint Formula. It was a joy to see him frolic around like he was a puppy again!
In really serious cases, a dog may require surgery to fix the problem. If the joint problems persist, talk to your vet. However surgery is expensive and no owner relishes the idea of their beloved pet going under the knife, so it should be thought of as a last resort. Try K9’s TuffRock Joint Formula first to see if the problem can be cured with a natural, non-surgical solution.
While you’re here, I want to tell you about another K9 product that I really love. It’s called TuffRock K9GI and it really improved Shankly’s bad breath! It can help with a lot of other problems also, such as sensitive tummies, or stomach pain. It can work wonders on dogs that are picky eaters or have other gastrointestinal problems, or have symptoms like itchiness, hot spots, reflux, or loose stools. Shankly’s coat took on a lovely shine after taking it for a week or so – he looked like he was having a bath every day, his coat was shining so much. And his breath returned to normal, which was a huge relief for everyone in our family! K9GI is 100 percent organic and like TuffRock K9 Joint Formula, it’s free of animal products. You simply pop it in your dog’s meal once a day and they only need a small amount (2.5mls for small dogs and 5mls for larger dogs, to be precise). Try this amazing volcanic mineral powder to give your dog healthy skin and tummy and a beautiful coat.