Homepage Articles International Bring Your Dog to Work Day

June 21, 2018

International Bring Your Dog to Work Day

International Bring Your Dog to Work Day

International Bring Your Dog to Work Day


Friday June 22nd is International Take Your Dog to Work Day!

In 1999, PSI held the first Take Your Dog to Work Day in the United States on Friday, June 24. An estimated 300 companies participated nationwide.

We caught up with Kristy Meredith, the Community Manager, at CoWork Newtown a Sydney based company that offers business mentoring and affordable pet-friendly office space in the centre of Newtown, to find out why they make every day Take Your Dog to Work Day.


International Bring Your Dog to Work Day


Why did CoWork Newtown decide to be pet-friendly?

We recognise that many Newtown locals have dogs which are regularly included in their day to day activities, we encourage our members to bring their pets with them to work rather than stay at home to keep their pets company or shoulder the cost of pet care while they are at work.


What are the benefits to you and others of having a dog-friendly workspace?

It makes breaking the ice simple – our members love to chat about their dogs and having pets around the office space gives everyone a reason to smile at their happy natures.  The benefit to CoWork is that our members feel more like they are working from a homely environment, they are encouraged by their pets to go outside regularly, providing them with a mental break, refreshing their mind and body with bursts of fresh air and exercise.


What should people remember about bringing dogs to work?

Keep a space for your pet which makes them comfortable, bring a blanket, toys and water and a lead to secure them in a space so they are not distracting others who are working.   Not everyone has the same appreciation of pets, we have a policy which requests no only good pets but good owner behaviour too.


International Bring Your Dog to Work Day

CoWork Newtown

Newtown Precinct Business Association
