May 5, 2016

Getting Over Pet Owner’s Travel Guilt
Getting Over Pet Owner’s Travel Guilt
Many pet owners feel guilty about jetting off on holiday while leaving their beloved animals at home. In fact, some people go to great lengths to smuggle their pets onto a plane or into a hotel. Think about the recent Amber Heard incident for the perfect example. So, as a pet owner, what can you do to ease your fears and get away without feeling bad about it? Take a look at these top tips to find out more.
Take them with you
OK, so guilt can nag away at you for your entire holiday, so why not think about taking your pet with you? It’s not always possible, of course, but as we are all too aware, there are plenty of options.
Introduce them to close friends and relatives
If you can’t physically bring your pet with you, think about asking a friend or relative to petsit for you. As long as your pet knows the person in question, it can be the easiest way of giving them everything they need. They will be comfortable in their surroundings, and won’t face as much upheaval as moving them to a kennels or equivalent. Your friend or relative might need some training – especially if you own a more exotic pet such as a parrot. In this case, you need to make sure you give them the best advice for your pet bird’s care. Write everything down, including any little behavioural quirks that might arise.
Scott Oves
Give them a holiday of their own
Of course, it isn’t always possible for someone to come and live in your home while you are away. In which case, why not give your pet a holiday of their own and let them stay with a friend or relative? It’s a good idea to bring them to the house in question several times before you head off on your holiday. It will help them acclimatise to their new environment. Who knows – maybe they will even enjoy the break as much as you will? Your pet will still miss you, of course. And, when you return, they may even give you the cold shoulder. But, at least you will be safe in the knowledge they are staying in a loving and accommodating environment that they are comfortable with.
While you might not want to leave your pet with an organisation, it might be your only option. It’s important to do some research here, or you will spend your entire holiday in absolute bits. Make sure that you visit any kennels, catteries, or equivalents and see how the animals are treated. In the vast majority of cases, you will find excellent services. After all, if a kennel gets a bad reputation for looking after dogs, they won’t be in business for too long.
Enjoy yourself
Finally, make sure that you enjoy yourself while on holiday. It can be tempting to check in on your pet every day – and maybe even every hour. However, there is no need if you trust the people that are looking after your pet. If you can rely on them to contact you if something is wrong, then you can sit back and relax on your holiday instead.