October 23, 2017

Lost & Found Pets: Find my Family
Find my Family
Losing your beloved pet is one of the worst things that can happen, but the good news is there are dedicated groups of people that can help you find your furry friend.
Finding the Che Dizzle
It was a Saturday night when I first heard him. A loud cry was coming from under a car across the street. I hadn’t seen this cat before and to my knowledge, the residents at number 159 didn’t own any pets either. Since it was a long weekend, I told myself to wait and see if the cat was still there the next day.
On my usual walk the following day, the cat was still there and seemed in more distress crying even louder, so I went back upstairs to get him some food, which he gobbled up suggesting he was hungry and more than likely lost. One of the local residents came out and said he and his family had been feeding the cats for the last two nights, so that’s when I decided to take action.
Show Me the Way to Go Home
I contacted the Facebook group Sydney Eastern Suburbs & Surrounds Lost & Found Pets run by the lovely Erin Louise, a true animal angel, who helped me in the past by coming out at 11pm on a Saturday night to scan a kitten my partner had found. She advised me to also add the cat’s image and details to another more local group Lost & Found Pets Inner West Sydney. About an hour after sharing the cat on this page the owner was found, he contacted me and came straight over. The cat had walked from Redfern to Forest Lodge on a Friday night and was reunited on the Tuesday morning. If it hadn’t been for these groups, the cat Che Dizzle may not have been reunited, since his microchip details had not been updated – an easy thing to do when we are all so busy these days. Che Dizzle is now safely home with his family and is somewhat of a local celebrity in his own right with his own Instagram account. Let’s hope his wandering days are over though.

Erin’s Top 5 Tips for Finding Your Furry Friend
1) DO NOT GIVE UP ON YOUR CAT. He or she is waiting for you to come and find her.
2) There are the usual things that you can do, like call all the shelters, use social media, look around your yard, etc.
3) Look around the immediate surroundings. Look inside your house. Look in your yard, in your neighbour’s yard. Your cat is very probably either in your yard somewhere, or your neighbour’s.
4) Leave food out for your cat at the exit point. Do this every night, no matter where you think your kitty is.
5) Print multiple posters of your cat. Find a clear picture of your cat, with a large font saying LOST CAT. Lost Pet Finders are a good resource and have ready-made poster templates. State the description of cat and last sighting, and your details. And print multiple copies of the poster. People may take them down so be ready to post more.