Homepage Articles

September 1, 2015

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Ensuring Safety When Out with Pets Wanting to share his knowledge about animals to everyone, Jordan Walker pursued the career of being a content curator for the Coops And Cages blog. Today, Jordan shares with us some safety tips when travelling out with pets.   Pets are considered a part of the family. In every…

August 17, 2015

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Dog Lovers Show Sydney 2015 The Dog Lovers Show is a world-first event that encapsulates the friendship and unconditional love that we share with our self-proclaimed ‘best friends’. This year saw the return of the event with even more demonstrations, talks and doggie goodies! We went along to promote our book and pet some pooches….

August 9, 2015

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The first global space cat café: An out of this world experience! Located a walk away from Central Station, Catmosphere Cafe hosts around 14 cats in total and is split over two levels in a typical Sydney Victorian terrace in Surry Hills. When you arrive you are greeted by the reception staff and order your…

August 7, 2015

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Sydney’s Pop up Kitten Cafe This week saw the launch of Sydney’s second pop-up kitten cafe in the heart of the CBD. Held at Gaffa Galleries on Clarence Street, felines mixed with arty types, and a surprise guest! Animal Behaviourist, Dr Jo Righetti, was on hand for pet advice for those who are considering homing…