Homepage Articles

December 12, 2018

Pet Friendly Accommodation

Every dog owner wants to treat their dog and make them feel special and appreciated. Unfortunately, the ways in which many pet owners do this is actually wrong and pretty damaging. You should be looking for healthy and sustainable ways to treat your dog so you don’t end up inadvertently causing them health problems later…

October 14, 2018

Pet Magazines in Australia

Like reading? Love animals? Want to know which are the most read Pet Magazines in Australia. Pet-Friendly Accommodation has unearthed some of the most popular mags Down Under.   All Pets Australian Dogs and Pets magazine Australian Dogs & Pets is a brand new magazine for pet lovers of all ages. Every issue will have…

October 2, 2018

Where to Take Your Pet in Queensland

Your house is not a home without a pet, and to you, your pet isn’t just another living being to look after; it’s your treasured baby. That is evident in the way you spoil her with the copious amounts of squeaky toys and plushies scattered around the floor – and a never-ending supply of treats….

September 18, 2018

Mudgee Pet- Friendly Accommodation

Mudgee Pet-Friendly Accommodation   Looking for pet-friendly accommodation in Mudgee? We provide the best pet-friendly accommodation in Mudgee at affordable prices.   Parklands Resort Mudgee Set on 30 acres of beautiful gardens, it is the gateway to the historic Mudgee food and wine region. Parklands Resort Mudgee is an ideal place for business, leisure and…

September 10, 2018

Balanced Dogs

Benefits of Veterinary Acupuncture for Pets Thought that acupuncture was just for humans? As it happens acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular for animals too.   What is Acupuncture? It is an energy-based system of healing that addresses and activates self-healing powers of the body. During an acupuncture treatment, fine needles are inserted at precisely localised…