Homepage Articles

June 21, 2019

Take Your Dog To Work Day

Can bringing dogs to the office really make your work life better?   To celebrate national take your dog to work day, we speak to workplace well-being expert and clinical psychologist, Marcela Slepica, who lists the advantages of being joined by our canine friends at work.   Can you tell us a little about yourself?…

June 15, 2019

Dog Friendly Cafe Sydney

Find out about the best dog–friendly hangs in Sydney. Whether you are looking for pet-friendly places to stay, pooch-friendly pubs or somewhere you can take your dog for a walk, we’ve got it covered.   Dog-Friendly Accommodation If you’re after pooch-perfect destinations with stylish dog-friendly hotels, then look no further. This year has seen a large…

May 23, 2019

pet calender

Keep up-to-date with important pet dates and events throughout the year with our specially curated pet calendar.     January   2 January:      National Pet Travel Safety Day (USA)   12 January:    Pop Up Adoption by RSPCA QLD, Brisbane Convention Centre   17 January:    Paws Day Moyneyana Festival, Fiddlers Green, Port Fairy, Vic…

May 14, 2019

International Chihuahua Day

International Chihuahua Appreciation Day   Around the world, Chihuahua lovers annually celebrate Chihuahua day on May 14th. Named after the state of Chihuahua in Mexico, this is the smallest breed of dog in the whole world, the tiny Chihuahua is between 15 – 23 cms in height and weighs around 1.5 – 3 kgs. Famous Chihuahuas include Paris Hilton’s Tinkerbell and Moonie…

May 11, 2019

Palm Cove Dog Show

Despite the wet weather, the Palm Cove Dog Show returned this year – an enjoyable event for all those with two and four feet.   Held on Sunday 28th April 2019, on behalf of Tourism Palm Cove, the event is currently in its fifth year. All proceeds raised from the event are donated to Y.A.P.S….