September 28, 2014

Aussie Dog Guy
Meet the Aussie Dog Guy
This 28, Aussie bloke is on a mission with a difference!
He’s on a quest to get a photo with every breed of dog and promote responsible pet ownership in Australia.
In the past, Ryan’s worked as a detection dog handler and is an aspiring specialist dog trainer. We caught up with the Aussie Dog Guy to find out more about his mission.
What was your inspiration for this particular quest?
The inspiration for my quest was purely just for fun! A photo challenge I set by myself, for myself and had no idea anyone would take any interest but now it has gained a bit of coverage I use it as a channel to advertise rescue dogs for various rescue organisations and try to help promote responsible pet ownership.
How many dog breeds have you taken so far? How many to go?
I’ve taken about 48 photos now with different breeds with roughly 300 to go! I have about 10 different breeds lined up for the next month or so but trying to get a bit more creative now with the photos so putting a bit more time and planning into them!
How do you go about finding different breeds to photograph?
To start with I would go play ‘Dog Pokemon’ and just randomly approach strangers and their dogs and ask for a picture but now its a bit easier with people contacting me via Facebook or Instagram. I still do a bit of Freestyle dog spotting on weekends however.
Do you have a special fur friend in your life? Who is he or she?
I have a number of special fur friends at the moment
There are my three detection labradors (Eden, Quest, Ofira) I work with through the week, My Rottweiler ‘Goose’ who is my wingman and goes everywhere with me! I trained him as a protection dog but he has an amazing nature and is so gentle and loving! Then there is ‘Happy’ the Pit Bull who is going to be used as an advocate for the breed here in Australia who is an absolute gentleman and a hit with the kids
I also have a number of foster cats from the local rescue group, so it’s a pretty full house!
What have you learned most from your pets?
The main thing that I’ve learned from all of my pets is to appreciate them. They are these amazingly clever animals that the majority of us take for granted. We expect so much from our pets but with little in return and yet they still oblige every time.
Aussie Dog Guy’s Animal Organisations
The main rescue charity Ryan works with is North Queensland Animal Rescue as it’s the one where he volunteers with but he’s also done some stuff with Sydney Dogs and Cats Home when he was down that way last.
He also promotes businesses such as SavourLife as they donate 50% profits to animal charities as well.
To learn more about Ryan and the great work he does follow him on social media.
You can follow Ryan on Twitter @Aussiedogguy