November 13, 2017

3 Common Health Issues For Your Household Cat
3 Common Health Issues For Your Household Cat
If you plan to purchase a new cat for your family this year, it’s vital to learn about some of the most common health concerns. People who do that will find it easy to spot the warning signs and deal with the issues as quickly as possible. This article will draw your attention towards some problems that tend to affect most household cats at some point during their lives. With a bit of luck, the information will ensure you never overlook the symptoms, and always know when to take your furry little friend to see the vet.
Tapeworms that grow inside your cat can reach up to two feet in size. They exist inside the small intestine and can cause your little friend a lot of pain and discomfort. In some instances, tapeworms can reduce the animal’s appetite while also encouraging vomiting and weight loss. The best way to deal with tapeworms is to purchase some specialist products online or from your local vet. Owners just have to add the pills or liquid to the meals they prepare for their cats. If you conceal the medicine well enough, the little guy won’t notice it. With a bit of luck, the cat will then begin to expel the tapeworm within a few hours.
Most cats who spend time outside with other animals will return home with fleas at some point. That doesn’t tend to happen as much when it comes to domesticated animals. Owners tend to notice when they see one of those little critters jumping around their living rooms. There are a couple of options on the table when it comes to getting rid of the problem. Firstly, there are specialist collars you can purchase that should encourage fleas to steer clear of your pet. You can also buy liquids that you pour onto your cat’s coat. Lots of people only learn about fleas when they take their pet for some cat grooming. Ideally, you want to avoid that situation to prevent embarrassment and ensure you treat the problem as fast as possible.
Lots of cats will vomit from time to time, and that is just something owners have to accept. However, it’s possible to limit the number of times that happens by keeping a close eye on your animal. In most situations, vomiting occurs when the cat:
- Eats something poisonous
- Has a urinary tract disease
- Has diabetes
It’s always sensible to take the furry little fellow to see the vet if they vomit consistently for more than twenty-four hours. Usually, there is no reason for concern. However, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Now you know about three common health issues that could (and probably will) affect your household cat; you shouldn’t panic too much if your animal begins to show any of the symptoms mentioned in this article. Those who want to give their pet the best life possible should ensure they always attend regular medical appointments. If you’re concerned about the price, most vets tend to offer payment plans that help you to spread the cost. So, there is no excuse for missing those checkups. Enjoy!